Thank you for taking time to visit the website of Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport. Your interest in our community owned and operated public airport is sincerely appreciated. During 2010 Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport Authority initiated what turned out to be a three-year study in which to develop a comprehensive Airport Master Plan. That effort included hiring the professional planning consultant services of Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc. to work with the Airport Board and staff to develop the Airport Master Plan. Additionally, direct public participation was provided by an Advisory Committee of sixteen (16) citizen volunteers from across Alcona and Iosco counties. The Airport Authority also conducted two open house events to present and receive comments for a variety of development options prior to finalizing the document. Overall, the resulting Airport Master Plan document sets forth general direction regarding the Airport’s 20-year development plan – – as envisioned by members of the Advisory Committee, Airport Authority Board and the citizens that took time to provide comments and recommendations.
Aerial of the Airport
Chapter 1 - Existing Conditions
Chapter 2 - Aviation Demand Forecast
Chapter 3 - Facility Requirements
Chapter 4 - Alternatives
Chapter 5 - Airport Layout Plan Drawings are available in the Airport Office